From House Cat to Street Tiger: Mastering Tiger Frolic Punches with Grandmaster Caprio
From House Cat to Street Tiger: Mastering Tiger Frolic Punches with Grandmaster Caprio Once upon a time in a…
Philosophy is the love for wisdom, (Phil = love; sophy = wisdom), the love of improving yourself, and expanding your knowledge, to gain wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge, which is the basis of the Capkido concept.
Where is the value of wisdom without the ability to apply it? Inner research and development to bring the body, mind, and spirit to the higher levels should be the main focus in every martial arts school.
With this in mind, everyone has probably asked themselves or their instructor, “What is the philosophy behind the art they are studying?”
To continue reading and learn the formula for the Capkido Philosophy, register for a free membership to Defunkin’ The Funk and to learn more about Capkido, our philosophy, and how to bring your power, no matter what style or art you practice, to the ultimate point.
From House Cat to Street Tiger: Mastering Tiger Frolic Punches with Grandmaster Caprio Once upon a time in a…
Defunkin The Funk Tiger Frolic Punches with Stepping Part 1 CAPKIDO QUOTE– Breathe deeply, for the breath is the rhythm…
Stay Safe with Grandmaster Caprio – Defunkin the Funk’s “Stay in the Car” Scenario Stream the Defunkin’ The Funk: How to…
Defunkin The Funk About Developing A Dynamic Snap Kick Part 2 Subscribe to our social media and share this post…
Defunkin The Funk about Developing A Dynamic Snap Kick Part 1 Subscribe to our social media and share this post…
Defunkin The Funk about Developing A Dynamic Iron Punch with Diamond Punches Part 2 Subscribe to our social media and…
What does it mean?
By now, many of you must be asking, what does CAPKIDO mean? Well, literally translated, it means:
CAP = “The Highest Point That One May Go To”
KI = “Inner Power”
DO = “The Way”
The Capkido Philosophy is derived from an ancient philosophy. Every part of the body is rigorously trained to become a weapon.
As the saying goes “Every arm must become a spear, every open hand a sword, and every finger a dagger”.
To transfer our weak bodies into strong tools of self-defense is the primary physical goal.
Grandmaster Caprio has been studying, teaching, and has been an integral member of the martial arts community for over 60 years.
He has a definable lineage that can be tracked through the martial arts world.
Grandmaster Caprio’s goal is to take you on an enlightening endeavor and to bring to the martial arts what he feels is missing.
By now, many of you must be asking, what does CAPKIDO mean? Well, literally translated, it means:
Put together, CAPKIDO means “The way to bring the inner power to it’s highest point”. In a sense, the person training puts a “Cap” on themselves. Individually, what it means is that you can go as high as you want to go.
Capkido’s purpose is to put together a specific and very special curriculum of martial arts and related disciplines. Without these other disciplines, martial arts is just about brawling.
Capkido is organized in such a way as to promote self-expression and health, with traditional values of total body integration, inner harmony and well being for the body, mind, and spirit of the individual.
The Caprio Academy for Martial Arts Inc. takes the best from the East and West and blends the Ancient techniques with modern needs. One of the goals of the Caprio Academy for Martial Arts school is to plan its martial arts classes and workshops to deal with stress management, relaxation, body fitness, self-confidence, poise, weight control, and last but not least self-defense.
Capkido develops character, sharpens coordination, and speeds reflexes. It is an excellent way to get into shape and stay there. It provides the opportunity, regardless of physical capabilities, to work with other students and advanced martial artists, allowing any individual to make rapid progress, limited only by their own desire.
Through desire, consistency, and persistence, most students quickly find that they can do far more than they would have ever imagined.
So even though the reasons for studying a martial art such as Capkido are as varied as the needs and interests of those who study it, the main one focus that everyone can relate to is to be the best and all that you can be.
To continue reading and learn about Capkido, register for a free membership to Defunkin’ The Funk and to learn more about Capkido, our philosophy, and how to bring your power, no matter what style or art you practice, to the ultimate point.
There are many styles and schools available. There are also many different aspects to these schools, whether traditional or non-traditional. Some offer more meaningful content than others. The combination of all these aspects make the school what it is. The difference is similar to the ingredients contained in soup compared to water.
To demonstrate this point, ask anyone what is in a can of soup. Their answer will obviously be soup. But what about all the other ingredients that you otherwise would not consider? The next time you have the opportunity, take a look at the label on any can. You will see that there are sometimes 20 or more ingredients in most brands. Without all of the right ingredients, prepared correctly, the taste would be very bland. With soup, the martial arts, and even life, the idea is to add flavor to the things that may seem bland and understand what they are, and how they affect what they do.
Grandmaster Caprio’s goal is to take you on an enlightening endeavor and to bring to the martial arts what he feels is missing
One of Grandmaster Caprio’s many teachings is the formation of personal goals. These goals may include small goals such as learning a new form or may include setting and planning a “Z” goal for the duration of one’s life…
To continue reading and learn more about Grandmaster Caprio, register for a free membership to Defunkin’ The Funk and to learn more about Capkido, our philosophy, and how to bring your power, no matter what style or art you practice, to the ultimate point.
FREE Video Lifetime Access. Learn how to safely escape a front double grip choke hold quickly and safely
The following weight loss system will work for any person of any age. Are your kids overweight? Are you carrying around “a few” extra pounds?
You need a Striking technique. I advocate to you that you need to have at least one punching technique, a Fist of some kind, and at least one foot technique of some kind. But right now we are going to talk about the hand technique.
You need a Striking technique. I advocate to you that you need to have at least one kicking technique, a Kick of some kind, and at least one hand technique of some kind. But right now we are going to talk about the foot technique.
Tendon Shredding Eagle Claw – Develop Eagle Claw Super Grip for Grabbing, Locking, and Shredding EVEN Striking
You should know that there is a certain length and shape for the Nunchaku and also that you must know how to restring them
Nunchaku made from other materials and constructed other ways don’t develop the proper required velocity for hardest impact possible which should be around 1800 pounds per square inch
Careful resonate tones and positive affirmations to leave one refreshed, relaxed and recharged to face life head on, with balance and confidence
There are so many martial art schools in today’s market, picking the right school can be compared to trying to decipher between a real diamond and a cubic zirconium
The BLOCK System – A Framework For The Martial Art You Already Practice – Changing The Way Martial Artists Fight
The BLOCK System – Changing the way Martial Artists fight. What is the “BLOCK” system? The BLOCK System is a framework for the Martial Art that you already practice. What is different about this video then every bodies else’s? This video is not going to show you any new blocks, locks, clocks, and or kicks outside of the ones you already know. What the “BLOCK” system will do is make what you already know work better than ever before.
Defunkin’ The Funk presents The Tendon Shredding Eagle Claw – Develop Eagle Claw Super Grip for Grabbing, Locking, and Shredding and EVEN Striking. It’s better to have a powerful grip than not to have one. Learn applications on how to strike and exercises to strengthen your Eagle Claws to the ultimate shredding power!
There are so many martial art schools in today’s market, picking the right school can be compared to trying to decipher between a real diamond and a cubic zirconium. To the naked eye there is virtually no difference. Not until they are examined under a microscope can their true value be determined. You have to do the same thing when you are trying to pick a school. Look at every school in your area very carefully. Then put each one under a microscope and examine them very closely. Once you have done this you will know which one is right for you.
Metal nunchakus make noise and are easily seen and caught by security devices. Nunchaku made from other materials and constructed other ways don’t develop the proper required velocity for hardest impact possible which should be around 1800 pounds per square inch.
Created by Grandmaster Caprio and one of his long time students, this Guide is a work of time tested principals, careful resonate tones and positive affirmations to leave one refreshed, relaxed and recharged to face life head on, with balance and confidence. Our Meditation Guide is one which guides the listener into a meditative state. It can be used as a learning tool to be expanded upon. Or as a self contained “Guided Meditation” for achieving relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation.
FREE Video Lifetime Access. Learn how to safely escape a front double grip choke hold quickly and safely, with little strength, using leverage, body mechanics, and a simple technique to get out and make your next move!
You should know that there is a certain length and shape for the Nunchaku and also that you must know how to restring them. So after you have read the the information about the Nunchaku, you should know that there is a certain length and shape for the Nunchaku and also that you must know how to restring them. Let us talk about now, how to properly string the Nunchaku. What you need as far as equipment isn’t so much.
The following weight loss system will work for any person of any age. Are your kids overweight? Are you carrying around “a few” extra pounds?
There seems to be a widespread philosophy within the medical and weight loss communities on the subject of weight loss in general.
Some martial arts have striking techniques in their school or system. That’s great. But what we need to talk about here is for those who don’t have striking power, and want to have something, in my opinion, no matter what martial art it is, you cant be able to go through with a technique and be able to knock down a person with a wet noodle.
You need a Striking technique. I advocate to you that you need to have a punching technique, a Fist of some kind, and a foot technique of some kind. But right now we are going to talk about the hand technique.
Some martial arts have striking techniques in their school or system. That’s great. But what we need to talk about here is for those who don’t have striking power, and want to have something, in my opinion, no matter what martial art it is, you cant be able to go through with a technique and be able to knock down a person with a wet noodle.
You need a Striking technique. I advocate to you that you need to have a kicking technique, a Kick of some kind, and a hand technique of some kind. But right now we are going to talk about the foot technique.
What’s really different about Capkido and The BLOCK System is it does not show you any new blocks, locks, strikes, or kicks. It helped me take what I already know and taught me how to practice to make it better than I ever thought I could before.
I’ve been training for a long time and I’m ashamed to admit that all the years I spent practicing and swinging the nunchaku around were almost a waste of time. Now I dont just spin them around I can actually fight with them and I’m confident they will protect me in a real fight.
I’ve watched almost every YouTube video, and read every book I can get my hands on. I’ve been to a lot of schools in the few decades I’ve been training. There is nothing and nothing else out there that will develop this kind skill.